Capstone Resources

General Timeline for Senior Capstone Research

General Timeline for Senior Capstone Research - Printable version

Research Options for Geology Majors

Senior Thesis

Work with a faculty advisor(s).

Submit research proposal.

Research work beyond a block, usually over a summer and semester.

Take GY405 Thesis block (up to 2).

Presentation at Geo Day.

Final product is a written document that follows a strict format and is published in the Colorado College Library after completion.

Senior Project

Work with a faculty advisor(s).

Submit research proposal.

Research work can be beyond a block, but is not required.

Take a GY405 project block.

Presentation at Geo Day.

Final product is whatever makes the most sense for your project.

Research Deadlines

  • Block 3, 2nd Monday - Senior Research Proposals final draft due to advisor.
  • Block 5, 1st day - First draft of introduction, study area, previous work, methods, and figures due to advisor.
  • Block 6, last day - Completed draft of Research Paper due to advisor.
  • Block 7, 1st Saturday - Geo Day!
  • Block 7, 2nd Friday - Completed revised draft of Research Paper due to advisor and 2nd reader.
  • Block 8, 4th Friday - Thesis copies for library due; final Senior Project due.

How Do I Write a Research Proposal?

Detailed Proposal guidelines (p.3)

A senior thesis proposal is a short document that describes the research project one plans to carry out. It must include:

  1. Introduction includes a review of the supporting literature.
  2. Summary of completed work.
  3. Methods section that outlines proposed work.
  4. Schedule for proposed work.
  5. Bibliography: Download ZOTERO which works with Microsoft Word to build a bibliography while you write.

Journal article example

Arias, O., and Denyer, P., 1991, Estructura geológica de la región comprendida en las hojas topográficas Abras, Caraigres, Candelaria y Río Grande, Costa Rica: Revista Geológica de América Central, no. 12, p. 61–74.

GSA Reference Guidelines and Examples 

Tutt Library - Geology Research Guide

Subject Specialist: Patrick Mundt, Tutt Library 212, 719-389-6896

Geology Guide Page:


Proposal Review

Once the research proposals are Submitted, faculty will review and evaluate proposals based on the content, writing, and feasibility. After all proposals are reviewed your faculty advisor will approve the proposal or return it for further edits or revision. 


Final Writing Evaluation

Final Paper/Geo Day Presentation Rubric pdf



Geology Department Research Symposium: Geo Day

  • 1st Saturday of Block 7.
  • Starts at 8:30 AM with a catered breakfast.
  • Includes student presentations, poster sessions, and department awards and announcements.

Abstracts - Due Mid-March

A concise summary of the scope, importance, and findings for your capstone research project. Mandy will send out further details to those presenting.

Poster Guidelines

Includes abstract, background information, geologic context figure, [brief!] methods, results, conclusion, and references.

Presentation Guidelines

15-minute presentation - practice with a timer is highly recommended.

Includes title, research questions, study site, geologic background, impetus for research (i.e., why should we care?), methods and results, conclusions, future work, and gratitude.



Photo by Steve Weaver

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/26/2024