Student Events

Geology Pub Nights


Geology S.O.U.P. Nights

First Week of Blocks 2, 4, and 6.


Student Activities

A.I.P.G.: American Institute for Professional Geologists

  • Faculty Sponsor: Sarah Schanz


Geology Club: 

  • WhatsApp group chat
  • Discord group chat



Report an issue - Last updated: 04/03/2024

Geology News

CC Awarded with a Research College and University (RCU) Designation

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the American Council on Education (ACE) have recognized Colorado College with a Research College and University (RCU) Designation. The RCU designation highlights research contributions from institutions historically not recognized for their research activity. Unlike the traditional R1 and R2 classifications, RCU status acknowledges colleges and universities that invest significantly in research, even if they do not offer many or any doctoral degrees. CC is one of 36 undergraduate liberal arts colleges awarded this designation.

Read the full story here!

 Dr. Michelle Gevedon helping undergraduate student researcher, Anders Swanson, core garnet minerals for isotopic analyses

Image: Dr. Michelle Gevedon helping undergraduate student researcher, Anders Swanson '25, core garnet minerals for isotopic analyses.


Geology Students Intern at the American Museum of Natural History!

August 2024 interns at the American Museum of Natural History 

Elizabeth Spradlin ’27,  Corra Lewis ’27, and Makena R. Hatch ’26 stand in the Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda.

Makena R. Hatch ’26, Elizabeth Spradlin ’27, Corra Lewis ’27, and Mac Schwartz ’27 were participants in the Noblett-Witter Family Internship Program. These four CC students spent their summer in the heart of New York City, interning at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), where they experienced a hands-on, professional geology environment.

Read the full story by Julia Fennell on The Peak.


GeoMAP Antarctica, the initial comprehensive digital database that consolidates all existing geological information of Antarctica

Christine Siddoway and her colleagues developed a ground-breaking geospatial resource for Antarctic Research!


Christine Siddoway has long worked on the bedrock geology of Antarctica, involving CC Geology majors and collaborating with international colleagues. Lately, this work culminated in the publication of Antarctic GeoMAP in Nature Data Science. The groundbreaking geospatial resource is the first interactive, queriable, online GIS for the Antarctic continent. GeoMAP serves geologists, glaciologists, climate scientists, and biologists whose work examines the interrelationships between the ice sheet and the bedrock. More than 20 CC geology majors participated in the decade of work leading up to the GeoMap release. Four CC alums are co-authors, with Sam Elkind ’16 having a leading role. Coauthors Elkind and Lexie Millikin ’17 had Witter Family Fund internships that were important to the success of the international collaboration on the Antarctic dataset.

Full story by Miriam Roth